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Minutes – Finance Committee – 14 June 2022

The agenda and papers for this meeting are available here: Finance Committee – 14 June 2022 – agenda and papers

The minutes of this meeting are presented below.

You can also download a PDF copy of the minutes here: Minutes – Finance Committee – 14 June 2022



  • Councillors Barrie, J Hughes, K Hughes, Scicluna


  • The Mayor (Councillor Joy), Councillor Apel (Chairman of Community Affairs)


  • Councillors Carter, Corfield, Gaskin, Deputy Town Clerk (Responsible Finance Officer), Member Services Support Officer, Finance Assistant

The Mayor in the Chair for the first item


It was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and AGREED that Councillor Anne Scicluna be elected Chairman of the Finance Committee for the remainder of the Council year. There were no other nominations.


It was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and AGREED that Councillor Heather Barrie be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Finance Committee for the remainder of the Council year. There were no other nominations.

In accordance with Standing Orders, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman were asked to indicate membership of the Sub-Committees reporting to the Finance Committee.

The Chairman indicated that she wished to be a member of the Personnel and Property Sub-Committees. The Vice-Chairman indicated that she also wished to serve on these Sub-Committees. It was therefore AGREED that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman would be members of all the Sub-Committees reporting to the Finance Committee.


Apologies with reasons given were received from Councillors Dignum, Harry and Plowman.


The Chairman called for expressions of interest in membership of the Property Sub-Committee.

In response to a question from the Mayor, the Chairman expressed the opinion that Ex-Officio membership only applied to the three main standing committees and not to the Sub-Committees.

Post meeting note: The City Council’s Standing Orders refer only to Ex-Officio membership of the Standing Committees (Finance, Community Affairs and Planning and Conservation) with these members being the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chairmen of the other Committees.

The Chairman and Councillors Barrie and J Hughes expressed an interest in being members of the Property Sub-Committee


RESOLVED that the Notes of the meeting held on 5 April 2022, having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record.


Councillors Apel and Barrie declared an interest as Members of Chichester District Council.

The Mayor declared an interest as a Member of West Sussex County Council.


a) Minute 105 refers – Speed Indicator Device (SID)

The Deputy Town Clerk updated Members on the progress of making use of the City Council’s SID.

She advised that, currently, there was a £15,000 allocation in the City Council’s Community Infrastructure Plan for the purchase of additional similar devices should Members decide to. She also advised that there was now a West Sussex Police co-ordinator for Community Speedwatch Groups who had access to handheld devices for the groups to use.

Councillor J Hughes noted that the post for mounting the City Council’s SID had been installed in St Pancras. Members discussed issues with the siting of the post but hoped that it would have an effect on speeding issues in the area.

b) Minute 99(b) refers – Platinum Jubilee Gala and Family Fun Day

The Chairman informed the Committee that she felt that the day had been a great success.

Councillor Apel, as Chairman of the Community Affairs Committee, advised Members that thanks to those involved, particularly Claire Adams and Tim Smith, had been given at the meeting of her Committee on the 6 June 2022.

The Deputy Town Clerk reported that the Gala and Family Fun Day had cost a total of £5628.56 and that over £2000 had been raised for the Mayoral charities.

Members agreed with the Chairman and thanked everyone who had helped organise the event.

The issue of dogs in the park was also discussed with a variety of views being expressed.

c) Minute 103 refers – Neighbourhood Plan update

No update had been received and the item was deferred to the Finance Committee meeting being held on 13 September 2022.


A copy of the Statement of Accounts 2021/2022 produced by DCK Beavers Ltd had been circulated to all Members with the agenda.

The Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) summarised her report that had been circulated with the agenda and explained that the year end accounts to 31 March 2022 had shown a surplus of £20,472 for the year. She also explained that the surplus had been higher but that the decision had been taken to transfer £40,000 in to the Council House Reserve prior to the end of the 2021/22 financial year.

Members were advised that the City Council’s General Reserve now held a balance of £516,876 and that the total balances and reserves at 31 March 2022 stood at £1,159,359.

The RFO also informed Members that the overall earmarked reserves now stood at £720,790, up from £347,514 in 2020/21 and that this included £418,575 in CIL receipts.

In response to a question from Councillor Apel, the RFO confirmed that it was recommended that councils held an amount equivalent to 50% of their annual precept in reserve in case payments were delayed from the Principal Authority.

Councillor Barrie asked about some of the figures in the accounts, namely the Salaries and Wages and Corporate Management headings, which had shown significant changes between 2020/21 and 2021/22. The RFO agreed to investigate and inform Members of the reasons behind these changes.

After a short further discussion, it was RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that the Statement of Accounts 2021/2022 be approved and signed by the Mayor and the RFO.


The RFO summarised her report that had been circulated with the agenda.

Members were advised that the Allotment Improvements Reserve now stood at £5,480 and that this may need to be looked at in the future.

The amounts being carried forward were highlighted and explained, these being:

  • £19,477 Public Realm
  • £8,621 Discretionary Grants
  • £320 Mayoral expenses
  • £2,000 Utility bills

It was RESOLVED that a total of £30,418 be carried forward from 2021/2022 to 2022/2023 financial year including a £19,477 carry forward of the Public Realm budget.

10. ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT (Part 1 of the Annual Return)

A copy of the Annual Governance Statement (Part 1 of the Annual Return) 2021/2022 was circulated with the agenda to all members. The RFO explained that this Statement assured the Auditors that Chichester City Council was managing their accounts correctly.

It was RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that the Annual Governance Statement (Part 1 of the Annual Return) 2021/2022 be approved and signed by the Mayor and the Town Clerk.

11. ACCOUNTING STATEMENTS (Part 2 of the Annual Return)

A copy of the Accounting Statements (Part 2 of the Annual Return) 2021/2022 was circulated with the agenda to all members. The RFO explained that the figures on the Statement were extracted from the Statement of Accounts.

It was RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that the Accounting Statements (Part 2 of the Annual Return) 2021/2022 be approved and signed by the Mayor and the Responsible Finance Officer.


The Deputy Town Clerk summarised the Internal Control Policy and its purpose.

Members were advised that section 6 of the Internal Control Policy, the External Audit Opinion, showed that no issues had been raised by the External Auditor for the year 2020/21.

It was RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that the Internal Control Policy be adopted and signed by the Mayor and RFO.


The Deputy Town Clerk advised that Mr Stephen James had indicated that he wished to remain as Chichester City Council’s Internal Auditor for the year 2022/2023.

It was RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that the appointment of the Internal Auditor be agreed for the financial year 2022/2023.

Members were then asked to note the Internal Audit Plan for 2022/23 that had been circulated with the agenda.
It was RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that the Internal Audit plan for the financial year 2022/2023 be approved.

The Deputy Town Clerk summarised the Draft Annual Internal Audit Report for 2021/22.

She noted that one of the recommendations in the report related to the compiling of the timesheets for the Casual Facilities Officers and a requirement for the submitted claims to be accompanied by the supporting spreadsheet.

A second recommendation in the report regarding asset control was highlighted. This referred to the storage of candlesticks identified in the insurance schedule and the requirement for periodic checks of the civic regalia and other valuables owned by the City Council.

The Finance Assistant summarised the recent work that she had undertaken with the Front of House Supervisor to identify and locate the civic regalia and valuables. This work had been based on the existing insurance and valuation schedule and they were working to create a more detailed list. She also acknowledged that further work needed to be undertaken with regard to the candlesticks.

In response to a question from the Mayor, the Deputy Town Clerk advised that the insurance schedule held more detailed information about the paintings on display in the Council House and that this could be made available but that any associated valuations would not be released.

The Chairman suggested that the newly formed Artwork Display Committee (Property Sub-Committee, 23 May 2022, minute 13 refers) could also look at the information available about the paintings.

It was then RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that the Draft Internal Audit Report for 2021/2022 be noted and approved.


A copy of the investment register had been circulated to all Members with the agenda.

The RFO advised that the Investment Register showed the purchase of the units in the Property Fund and the price per unit.
She further advised that the overall value of the Property Fund had shown a significant increase over the past 12 months with the total value of the units held rising from £459,053 (31 March 2021) to £548,123 (31 March 2022).

Members were reminded that the City Council received approximately £20,000 in returns per annum from the Property Fund investment.


The Committee was asked to consider the following recommendations made by the Property Sub-Committee on Monday 23 May 2022:

Minute 4b – Electric vehicle (EV) charging point

Having reviewed the quotes, it was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on Tuesday 14 June 2022 that the City Council Property Maintenance Team install the electric vehicle charging point at the Council House at a cost of £1,140.55 payable from CIL. Committee are asked to note that, as the electric vehicle had already been purchased, the installation had taken place under Officer discretion to allow for ongoing charging of the van.

It was RESOLVED to accept the cost of £1,140.55 for the installation of the EV charging point by the City Council’s Property Maintenance Team, to be paid from the City Council’s CIL allocation.

Minute 4c – Council Chamber

After a short discussion on the quotes received for the subsidence repair, it was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on 14 June 2022 that the Committee accept the recommendation of Archibald-Shaw to proceed with Mainmark to undertake the necessary works. It was further noted that the City Council’s insurers had accepted the quote and that only the £1,000 excess would be payable from Council House Repairs and Maintenance budget.

It was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation from Archibald-Shaw to instruct Mainmark to undertake the necessary works to remedy the subsidence in the south west corner of the Council House. It was further RESOLVED that the £1,000 insurance excess be paid from the Council House Repairs and Maintenance budget.

Minute 4d – Damp in the Town Clerk’s office

It was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on Tuesday 14 June 2022 that Happy Drains Ltd be employed to undertake initial remedial works to line the damaged drain at a cost of £750 + VAT payable from the Council House Repairs and Maintenance budget. Committee are asked to note that, due to the need to minimise damage to the building, Officer discretion was exercised and the work was undertake on 24 May 2022.

It was RESOLVED to accept the cost of £750 + VAT to undertake initial remedial works to line the damaged drain under the Town Clerk’s office, payable from the Council House Repairs and Maintenance budget. The Committee noted that the work had already been undertaken to minimise further damage to the building.

Minute 4f – Hopper and Downpipe repairs

It was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on Tuesday 14 June 2022 that an order be placed with Clanfield Gutters for the replacement of the damaged hopper and downpipe at a total cost of £2,376 + VAT payable from Council House Repairs and Maintenance budget. Committee are asked to note that, due to the need to minimise damage to the building, Officer discretion was exercised and the work was undertake on 27 May 2022.

It was RESOLVED to accept the cost of £2,376 + VAT for the replacement of the damaged hopper and downpipe, payable from the Council House Repairs and Maintenance budget. The Committee noted that the work had already been commissioned from and completed by Clanfield Gutters in order to minimise further damage to the Council House.

Minute 4g – Carpet in lift lobby and Lion Street corridor

It was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on Tuesday 14 June 2022 that an order be placed with Eazylay Carpets for the replacement of the lift lobby and Lion Street carpets and underlay board in the sum of £2,664.00 payable from Council House Repairs and Maintenance budget.

After a short discussion by Members about the condition of the carpets, it was RESOLVED that an order be placed with Eazylay Carpets for the replacement of the lift lobby and Lion Street carpets and underlay board in the sum of £2,664.00 to be paid from the Council House Repairs and Maintenance budget.

Minute 6b – Bus shelter on Bognor Road

It was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on 14 June 2022 that a bus shelter with a standard roof be installed in Bognor Road subject to availability of S106 funding from the Bartholomews site development.

After a short discussion, it was RESOLVED that a bus shelter with a standard roof be installed in Bognor Road subject to the availability of S106 funding from the Bartholomews site.

Please note that, due to a typing error, the Property Sub-Committee minute references in the Finance Committee agenda for 14 June 2022 are incorrect. They have been corrected below.

Minute 7d – Litten Gardens CCTV

It was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on Tuesday 14 June 2022 that ASDC be asked to install the Option B (extended) CCTV system in Litten Gardens at a cost of £5,666 + VAT to be paid from the Public Realm budget. It was further RECOMMENDED that the ongoing maintenance and broadband costs be reviewed after the initial 12 months to ensure best value was being achieved.

Members discussed their issues and concerns regarding anti-social behaviour in Litten Gardens, including extensive littering, drug taking and alcohol consumption, and agreed that installation of CCTV was a necessary step forward.

The Mayor asked whether the standard signs regarding CCTV recording would be displayed and whether captured images could be used for law enforcement purposes.

Post meeting note:

  • The Property Manager has confirmed that the CCTV system would be able to be monitored at Lewes Police Station and that the City Council would also be able to monitor the video feed.
  • He also confirmed that the chosen contractor would be installing the necessary warning signs on site as part of the commissioned work.

It was then RESOLVED to place an order with ASDC for the Option B (extended) CCTV system in Litten Gardens at a cost of £5,666 + VAT to be paid from the Public Realm budget. It was noted that the initial cost included annual support for the first 12 months and further RESOLVED that these ongoing costs should be reviewed after this initial period.

Minute 10 – Brewery Field

It was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on Tuesday 14 June 2022 that the contract for mowing at Brewery Field be given to Sussex Estate Care at an initial cost of £2,970 + VAT per annum payable from the Brewery Field Maintenance budget.
The Committee was advised that West Sussex County Council had signed a new lawn mowing contract for the St Joseph’s School playing field which no longer included cutting of the neighbouring Brewery Field.

It was therefore RESOLVED to agree a contract with Sussex Estate Care for the mowing of Brewery Field at an initial cost of £2,970 + VAT per annum, payable from the Brewery Field Maintenance budget.

Minute 12 – Staffing and Resources

It was RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee on Tuesday 14 June 2022 that the Personnel Sub-Committee be re-established to review the issues raised at the Property Sub-Committee meeting on 23 May 2022 as well as wider staffing matters.

After a short explanation from the Chairman, it was RESOLVED to re-form the Personnel Sub-Committee for the purpose of reviewing issues raised at the Property Sub-Committee meeting on 23 May 2022 as well as wider staffing matters.

The Chairman asked for expressions of interest for membership of the Personnel Sub-Committee and it was RESOLVED that the initial membership would be Councillors Scicluna, Apel and Barrie with Councillor K Hughes offering to assist if required.


The Member Services Support Officer reminded Members of the purpose of the minuting software and outlined the options for a test of the software to assess its suitability for use within the City Council.

After a short discussion, it was RESOLVED that the Member Services Support Officer should proceed with arranging an initial free of charge trial of the iBabs minuting software with a limited group of Councillors with the option to extend the trial to the full Council with the costs for this extended trial being outlined in the report that had been sent out with the agenda.

Post meeting note: The Member Services Support Officer confirmed with the software company that up to 10 users could be included in the trial.

The Mayor and Councillors Barrie, Carter and K Hughes expressed an interest in taking part in the initial trial.


The Mayor advised that he had been working with the Property Manager to develop plans to meet the City Council’s Climate Emergency declaration which stated that the Council would be carbon neutral by 2030.

He also advised that he had been trying to set up a meeting with the Deputy Town Clerk to discuss budgets and funding for the works necessary to meet the carbon neutral target.

The Mayor emphasised the need to have an achievable plan backed up by a working document to show that the City Council was tackling its carbon footprint based on the 2030 deadline.

The Chairman thanked the Mayor for his work to date in helping the City Council lower its carbon emissions.

The Mayor suggested that the carbon neutral target should be a standing item on all Finance Committee meeting agendas and agreed with the Chairman that a written report should be submitted prior to future meetings to inform the Committee’s discussions.


The Chairman advised that the Garrison Artillery Volunteers had asked about attending Chichester’s Remembrance Sunday event on 13 November 2022 with their field gun for the purpose of starting and ending the two minute silence.

Members were reminded that the cost payable to the Garrison Artillery Volunteers would be £285.

The Committee discussed the item and agreed that having the gun present added something meaningful to the event.

It was therefore RESOLVED that the Garrison Artillery Volunteers be asked to attend the Remembrance Sunday event for 2022 for the fee as stated.


The Chairman reminded Members about the process that had so far taken place in the production of the draft business plan that had been circulated with the agenda. She thanked Councillor Quail for the work she had put in compiling the document as presented.

Councillor Apel reminded the Committee that the business plan had also been discussed at the Community Affairs Committee on 6 June 2022 and that it would be discussed at the Planning and Conservation Committee meeting being held on Thursday 23 June 2022.

She advised that the Community Affairs Committee had agreed that a Working Group should be set up to further develop the City Council’s business plan.

Members discussed at length the merits of the document and the wider issues surrounding any Chichester City Council business plan that would be produced.

Councillor Gaskin commented that mention of Chichester residents and the wider population were missing from the document and that this would need to be addressed.

The Chairman agreed with Councillor Gaskin and also mentioned that the future of Chichester’s strong international relationships was also not mentioned in the draft.

Members voiced concerns that, with the elections due to take place in May 2023, any efforts made to create a business plan at this time could be wasted if a new administration decided to go down a different route.

Councillor Barrie and others expressed the opinion that it would be better to be able to pass on a positive and well thought out business plan to the next administration, regardless of what they might decide to do with it, and that the diversity of the current Council would help inform that plan.

Members agreed that having a business plan in place before the 2023 elections would help provide continuity for the new administration.

The Chairman suggested that the Working Group could be composed of the Chairman and another Councillor from each Committee but that all Councillors would be able to feed their suggestions in to the Working Group for discussion.

After a further debate, it was RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that a Business Plan Working Group be set up to progress the development of the City Council’s business plan, with membership of the group to be decided at that meeting.


The Mayor informed Members that he felt that the City Council’s social media presence was not being used to its fullest extent.
In response to a request from the Chairman that a written report should be submitted prior to the meeting to allow Committee Members to fully understand what was being suggested; the Mayor advised that he had wanted to discuss his concerns but did not have all the information necessary to put a report together.

The Chairman clarified that the report did not need to be extensive and should outline ideas and thoughts on the subject for Committee Members to discuss.

The Mayor outlined his thoughts and suggested he could discuss the matter with a company he had worked with through Arun District Council.

The Chairman reminded the Committee that any project that attracted a cost would need to be agreed by the Finance Committee and a suitable budget identified.

Members discussed the pros and cons of social media and were in general agreement that it was something the City Council should engage with in order to broaden its appeal to a wider demographic.

It was RESOLVED that the Mayor should approach the contact as stated with a view to putting together suggestions for a City Council social media strategy with these ideas being presented to the next Finance Committee meeting.


The Chairman advised Members that, further to the success of the Platinum Jubilee Gala and Family Fun Day, it had been suggested that the City Council organised similar events on a more regular basis.

She further advised that a separate budget had been proposed and that this budget should be set at around £7,500 per annum.

The Deputy Town Clerk informed Members that she had discussed the matter with the Front of House Supervisor who had suggested this figure as a suitable amount given that the costs of the Platinum Jubilee event had been offset by sponsorship income which may not be repeatable in the future.

Councillor Apel proposed a budget of £10,000 with the suggestion that unspent funds could be absorbed back in to the overall City Council budget.

It was then RECOMMENDED to Full Council on Wednesday 29 June 2022 that a new event budget of £10,000 be created for the purpose of funding a regular large event.


The Deputy Town Clerk summarised the information she had provided in her report.

Members were advised of the outstanding Section 106 balances that were available, where the projects should be targeted and the deadlines for spending.

The Deputy Town Clerk reported that, due to the short deadlines, Chichester District Council had advised that there may be some flexibility to allow the funds to be spent in areas other than originally specified in the grant conditions.

Councillor Apel asked how the availability of the funds would be publicised and potential bidders informed.

The Mayor informed Members that he had recently visited London and seen a railing art project in Hyde Park which he suggested could be a good idea for parts of Chichester.

Councillor Barrie expressed the opinion that any projects proposed should be designed to properly engage with residents and visitors to the City.

Councillor K Hughes expressed the opinion that any suggestions for projects funded by this money should come from the community and reflect wider community wishes. He further suggested that local organisations such as residents associations could become involved.

In response to a question from the Mayor, the Deputy Town Clerk said that she would confirm whether the balances could be spent on more than one project or whether only a single project would qualify for each.

After a short further discussion it was agreed that proposals for projects funded from the Section 106 balances as outlined should be submitted to the Deputy Town Clerk in time for presentation at the Finance Committee meeting being held on Tuesday 13 September 2022.


The Mayor declared a personal interest due to his professional working relationship with the Sea Cadets and (unpaid) architectural work he had been undertaking.

It is also noted that the Mayor of Chichester in Office is a Patron of the Chichester Sea Cadets.

The Deputy Town Clerk summarised the reasons behind the request from the Sea Cadets for an extension to the New Homes Bonus funding deadline for their project (ref. 10/19) to December 2023.

The Committee RECOMMENDED to Full Council on 29 June 2022 that the request from the Sea Cadets for the extension of the New Homes Bonus deadline for project ref. 10/19 to December 2023 be noted and approved and Chichester District Council notified.



RESOLVED to note the monthly reconciliation with evidence of bank statements for March 2022


RESOLVED to note the list of receipts and payments made for March 2022.


RESOLVED to note the list of Barclaycard payments for March 2022.


RESOLVED that, in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public (including the Press) be excluded from the meeting for agenda item 25 only because of the nature of the business to be transacted, namely confidential business matters.


The Deputy Town Clerk gave a summary update of the recent changes to the lease agreements that Orion Developments (Southern) Ltd had proposed with a tenant in the Market House. She advised that Orion Developments (Southern) Ltd had asked for the Memorandum of Heads of Terms (Relocation and lease extension) to be amended accordingly.

These changes would be:

a. A 7 year extension of the lease on units 5-8 The Market House with the current tenant to 2039

b. A new lease on unit 1 The Market House

c. The surrender of the lease on unit 3 The Market House by the current tenant

d. The agreement being conditional upon works for which there will be a licence

She also advised Members that long proposed modifications to the inside layout of the building would also be taking place subject to listed building consent being granted and the work being completed within four months of the consent being granted.

Members were informed that, as the Superior Landlord, the City Council was required to approve any changes to leases proposed by Orion Developments (Southern) Ltd.

In response to a question from Councillor Barrie, the Deputy Town Clerk advised that she was awaiting a response from Orion Developments (Southern) Ltd regarding the levels of rent being offered to the tenant.

After a short discussion it was RECOMMENDED to Full Council on 29 June 2022 that the amendments to the Memorandum of Heads of Terms (Relocation and lease extension), as outlined, be accepted by the City Council.


The meeting closed at 3.27pm

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