Floral displays and planting
The City Council is responsible for planting and floral displays at various locations around the city centre.
In addition to the West Street cathedral beds and Northgate underpass flowerbeds, the City Council is responsible for the hanging basket and street planter displays throughout the city centre.
Hanging baskets and city centre street planters

Chichester City Council, in partnership with Chichester BID, provide hanging baskets throughout the city centre each summer.
This partnership also provides the street planters in North, South and East streets throughout the year as well as Crane Street during the summer.
If you are interested in the possibility of having a hanging basket in the future, please contact:
- email – administration@chichestercity.gov.uk
- Tel.: – 01243 788502
Cathedral and Northgate flower beds
The City Council’s Property Team are responsible for the planting and maintenance of the flowerbeds near the cathedral in West Street as well as the flowerbeds on the south side of the Oaklands Way underpass.
In line with City Council policy, from 2024 we are introducing more bee friendly and sustainable planting to aid carbon capture, improve air quality and encourage pollinators in to the city.