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Business Plan Sub-Committee


The Business Plan Sub-Committee reports to the Finance Committee.

The Sub-Committee meets as required. It is responsible for the development and management of the City Council’s Business Plan. Decisions reached by the Sub-Committee with financial or policy implications are passed to the Finance Committee for consideration with new initiatives being recommended to Full Council as appropriate for approval and adoption.

For 2024-2025, membership consists of 8 Councillors:

  • Councillor Rhys Chant (LD)
  • Councillor Craig Gershater (LD)
  • Councillor Shiva Knight (LD)
  • Councillor Joanne Kondabeka (LD)
  • Councillor Stuart Loxton (LD)
  • Councillor Robert Miall (LD)
  • Councillor Sarah Quail (LD)
  • Councillor Ken Squire (LD)

Further to the City Council’s Standing Orders, there are no Ex-Officio members of this Sub-Committee.

The Chair of the Sub-Committee is elected at the first meeting of the Sub-Committee.

The meeting times will also be decided at the first meeting of the Sub-Committee.

Agendas are published and linked to separately for the current year only.

For meetings held from June 2023 onwards, links to the agendas will also be included on the appropriate minute pages.

Historical papers are in the process of being uploaded.

Minutes are available in online and PDF formats from 1 September 2018 to the present. For minutes older than that, only PDF download is available.

If you need any older minutes in an alternative format, please contact:

Agendas 2024/2025

Minutes 2024/2025

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