City Plan

“Our mission is to continue to develop Chichester as a welcoming and rewarding place to live, visit or work, whilst preserving its unique character and place in history.”
Your thoughts on City Plan for 2024-2029 have been received and analysed.
This is what you told us and what we will be doing about it.
What we asked:
We asked over 13,000 households across the City to read the Draft City Council Plan and let us know what they thought about our priorities and proposals for the next five years.
This is a summary of what you told us and what we will do to deliver on your priorities.
What you told us:
We asked
Do you agree with the four key priorities that the City Council have identified for the next five years?
You said
You agreed that our priorities were correct and ranked them in importance as follows:
- Improve the environment
- Create a vibrant, thriving and active community
- Fill the gaps in the city’s infrastructure
- Preserve the city’s heritage
Your top ten priorities were as follows (in order from most important to least):
- Keep our properties and spaces in good order
- Contribute to city centre pavement improvements
- Provide face to face support for residents in crisis
- Provide streetlights on footpaths and twittens
- Install additional street lighting
- Install and maintain benches, bike racks, finger posts etc.
- Represents residents on planning applications
- Contribute to community wardens, city ambassadors etc.
- Reduce our carbon footprint to reach net zero by 2030
- Provide grant funding to local voluntary sector groups
Your bottom five priorities were as follows (lowest at the bottom):
- Maintain the traditions of the Mayoralty and City Council
- Deploy an additional Speed Indicator Device
- Campaign for 20mph limits on all major approach roads
- Twinning ties with Chartres, Ravenna, Valletta and Speyer
- Enclose the Council House portico
What we will do:
Projects we have already started:
- Redesign and relaunch of Community Grants Scheme.
- Expand the City Gala in 2024.
- Hedgerow and wildflower meadow creation at Brewery Field.
- Regular Arts and Community Group forums being hosted.
Projects starting in the next 12 months:
- Recruit a Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) advice worker to be based in the Council House.
- Improve the Cathedral flowerbeds.
- Offer to contribute funding for city centre pavements works once West Sussex County Council have finalised a plan.
- Proceed with a “dark spaces” street lighting improvement project.
- Identify opportunities to improve the environment based on comments received from residents on the importance of environmental issues.
- Undertake a feasibility study looking at delivering a community centre in the South of the city on a site acceptable to the community.
- Review the Mayoralty, civic and ceremonial functions of the Council including twinning ties to make them more relevant to residents.
- Work with Chichester District Council to improve the playgrounds.
- Install What’s On noticeboards at key sites around the City.
Projects starting in the next 24 months:
- Investigate installing an outdoor performance space in one of the City Centre parks.
- Prepare plans for improving the existing Council House and Assembly Rooms to make them more accessible and create flexible spaces for the public and community to use.
- Review City Centre signage.
- Install additional bus shelters at key locations
- Review 20mph zones and submit a proposal to West Sussex County Council to extend them in specific, targeted areas by summer 2025.
What you also told us:
Many of you took the opportunity to share your concerns about a number of other issues including:
- The scale of new development
- The lack of affordable housing
- Problems with traffic and road infrastructure
- The need for more cycle paths and sustainable travel routes
- Difficulties accessing healthcare services and NHS dentistry
The need for more cycle paths and sustainable travel routes; Difficulties accessing healthcare services and NHS dentistry.
As the Parish Council for the City of Chichester it is not within the legal scope of our powers to directly deliver solutions to these issues.
We will, however, work hard to advocate for you with the District and County Councils and national organisations such as Highways England and the National Health Service to highlight these problems and to lobby for better services and facilities for our City.
We will be delivering a flyer summarising the results to all homes in Chichester shortly.
You can also download a PDF copy of the results summary flyer here:
A tabulated summary of the responses can be seen here (PDF download):
A full report on the results of the consultation was presented to a Special Meeting of the City Council on 20 March 2024.
This report can be seen here (PDF download): Chichester City Council – Council Plan – Priorities for 2024 and 2025
City Plan Updates
The newsletters below will keep you informed about our past achievements and future plans
We are still keen to hear from you with your ideas so you can continue the conversation by contacting us in any of the following ways:
- City Plan, Chichester City Council, The Council House, North Street, Chichester. PO19 1LQ
- 01243 788502