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Minutes – Community Affairs Committee (Discretionary Grants) – 7 October 2019

The minutes of this meeting are presented below.

You can also download a PDF copy of the minutes here: Minutes – Community Affairs Committee (Discretionary Grants) – 7 October 2019



  • Councillors Apel (Chairman), C Hughes (Vice-Chairman), Lishman, Sharp


  • The Mayor (Councillor Plowman) – until minute 40(ii), The Deputy Mayor (Councillor J Hughes), Councillor Scicluna (Chairman of Finance)


  • Councillor Gaskin


  • Councillors Carter and Gershater


  • Councillor Joy


  • Town Clerk, Member Services Support Officer


As recorded above


It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded from this meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, namely financial and business affairs of third parties.


Discretionary Grant Budget 2019/2020                                             £30,000

Discretionary Grants awarded in April 2019                                         £10,800

Remaining Discretionary Grant Budget for 2019/2020                   £19,200

(a) Bernstein in Chichester

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £2,000 be awarded to Bernstein in Chichester to help fund the Bernstein 100th memorial plaque.

(b) Challengers

It was RESOLVED that no grant be awarded to Challengers.

(c) Chichester Forest Schools

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £2,000 be awarded to Chichester Forest Schools for the continuation of their Wild Play Forest School parenting schemes.

(d) Chichester Information Shop for young people

It was RESOLVED that no grant be awarded to Chichester Information Shop for young people.

(e) Chichester Lunch Club

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £500 be awarded to Chichester Lunch Club to support the music and voice therapy project.

(f) Chichester Nursery School

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Chichester Nursey School to support the provision of a sensory garden.

(g) Chichester Symphony Orchestra

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £420 be awarded to Chichester Symphony Orchestra for costs incurred on additional brass players at the Family Concert on January 2020.

(h) City Angels

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £2,500 be awarded to City Angels for the continuation of the night time City Centre support services.

(i) Cruse Bereavement Care

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Cruse Bereavement Care for the continuation of one-to-one support of bereaved adults, children and young people in Chichester.

(j) Lifecentre

It was RESOLVED that no grant be awarded to Lifecentre.

(k) Parents and Carers Support Organisation (PACSO)

It was RESOLVED that no grant be awarded to PACSO

(l) St Paul’s Church and Parish Centre

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £500 be awarded to St Pauls Church to go towards the running costs of a community heritage festival to be held in June 2020

(m) St Wilfrid’s Hospice

It was RESOLVED that no grant be awarded to St Wilfrid’s Hospice.

(n) Swanfield Park Youth Club

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £495 be awarded to Swanfield Park Youth Club for the purchase of additional equipment for use by users of the service.

(o) The Four Streets Project

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £2,000 be awarded to The Four Streets Project for the purchase of items used in the support of the homeless of Chichester.

(p) Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester

It was RESOLVED that no grant be awarded to Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester

(q) West Sussex Mediation Service

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £500 be awarded to West Sussex Mediation Service to help fund the free mediation services offered.

(r) 416 (Chichester) RAF Air Cadets

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £1,000 be awarded to 416 (Chichester) RAF Air Cadets for the cost of renovating existing instruments and as a contribution to the purchase of additional instruments.

It was RECOMMENDED to the Finance Committee that the Discretionary Grant Budget for 2020-2021 be increased from the current £30,000 to £50,000 without impacting on the current Public Realm budget of £20,000 per annum.

All organisations would be informed of the outcome of their application and that the City Council

request all funding is publicly acknowledged in any literature they may produce and that a report is submitted to the City Council within 6 months of receiving the Discretionary Grant explaining how the grant was expended.

One representative from each of the successful applications would be invited to attend the Council Meeting on Wednesday 4 December 2019 to explain how the money will be expended.

Cheques would no longer be presented, and grants would be paid by BACS on the day following the Council Meeting.

At the meeting a total of £13,915 was further expended from the 2019/2020 Discretionary Grant Budget and therefore £5,285 would be transferred to the 2020/2021 Discretionary Grants budget.

The first meeting of the Community Affairs Committee that would consider the 2020/2021 Discretionary Grants applications would be Monday 6th April 2020.

The meeting ended at 6.20pm

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