Remembrance Photos and Words
Chichester Remembers
Photos from previous Remembrance commemorations and also photographic memories from veterans and others, linked to Remembrance and those who serve, have served and have fallen.
If you have any photographs related to Remembrance and would like them included in this gallery, please email them to:
Please include details of what the picture contains and confirmation you own the picture and are happy for it to be included on the City Council website.
Unless credited otherwise, all pictures are courtesy of Chichester City Council.
No.1 HQ Platoon – C Company, 4th Sussex Battalion, Home Guard
December 3, 1944 – (with names)

From back left
Pte O Moore, Pte R Tilley, Pte F Woodhams, Pte A Porter, Pte S Hollands, Pte R Morely, L/Cpl W E Rogers, Pte R Richardson, Pte A Brooker, Pte E Saunders (MM), Pte S Dale, Pte A Jenner, Pte E Jordan, Pte P Short, L/Cpl J Atkins, Cpl W G Slaughter, Sgt J Dutton, Lieut J B Backhouse, Lieut F J Ferdinand (CSM) , C Webb (MM) Sgt S H Rogers, L/Cpl A Slaughter, Pte K Short, Pte T Parker, Pte J Barton, Pte F Legg, Pte V Joad. Picture courtesy of David Tilley, Royal Sussex Regimental Association