Street banner display guidelines

A PDF of this document can be downloaded using this link: Chichester City Council banner display guidelines
1. Organisations must complete the enclosed Application Form and arrange for the Form of Indemnity to be signed by the organisation responsible for erecting and removing the banner. Proof of £10m Public Liability Insurance cover is also required.
2. Bookings will not be confirmed until a fully completed application form has been received.
3. Banners must be in good condition and suspended only from the fixing points already in place in North and East Streets as described below.
Fixing Points are located on buildings currently occupied by:
- NORTH STREET – O2 Phone Shop (East Side) and Boots (West Side)
- EAST STREET – Vodafone (North Side) and Oliver Bonas (South Side)
4. Banners should be 7500mm long x 900mm wide
5. Banners may be displayed with permission only between the months of May and September.
6. No organisation will be permitted to display more than one banner at any one time.
7. Banners may advertise only events taking place within the City.
8. Banners may be displayed for no more than two consecutive weeks before or during the event being advertised at any one time.
9. If the display period ends on a Sunday the banner can be taken down on the following Monday.
10. Banners can only be put up on the specified start date of the display period.
11. Chichester City Council will not accept liability for any type of claim arising from the raising, display or lowering of any banner.
12. An administration fee of £42.00 (includes VAT) is applicable to each application submitted. Chichester City Council will invoice the organisation for this fee.
13. Organisations receiving permission for the display of a banner must comply fully with the requirements of West Sussex County Council Highways Department listed below:
(i) Non-transferable
The Consent shall only be granted to the Person making the application and/or the applicant’s contractor. It cannot be transferred to any other person or company.
(ii) The Works
All activities/works shall be in accordance with the specific requirements of the Highway Authority and insofar as the site will be subject to periodic inspection additional conditions may be imposed during the activities/works.
(iii) Health, Safety and Welfare
The executor of the activity/works shall undertake these in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other legislation, Approved Codes of Practice and Guidelines applicable to the works. This shall be done with particular regard to the protection of the public from harm, injury, damage or loss.
(iv) Disabled and Blind Persons
All activities/works shall be executed with due regard to the additional particular needs of Disabled and Blind Persons using the highway
(v) Road Signs
No existing road sign/line shall be obstructed or rendered less effective due to the execution of activity or works without the approval of the Highway Authority and the provision of alternative signing/lining to his requirements.
(vi) Planning
It is the responsibility of the Applicant to consult with the Local Planning Authority to determine whether a planning approval is required for the activity/work proposed.
(vii) Insurance
All Companies or Persons seeking Consent shall be required to provide evidence that they possess Public Liability Insurance at £10 million.
(viii) Temporary Traffic Management (TTM)
Where the activity/work interferes with the free passage of pedestrians of traffic, then a suitable TTM plan will need to be agreed with the Highway Officer and appended to this Consent for the consent to be valid. This will be highlighted by the
West Sussex County Council Officer as a specific requirement when necessary.
(ix) Drains, Culverts, Gullies & Structures
The applicant shall not interfere with any drain, culvert, gully, bridge, wall or other structure without the specific consent of the Highway Authority
(x) Third Party Permissions
The Applicant must obtain necessary permissions from all other third parties where equipment is to be affixed, erected or removed from property not within the ownership of the Highway Authority.
(xi) Notice
No work shall commence until such time as this consent is approved, signed and issued.