Terms of Reference – Planning and Conservation Committee
The Terms of Reference (Planning and Conservation Committee) set out below was adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on 28 February 2024.
These Terms of Reference outline the structure, role, responsibilities and authorities delegated by Council; for the Planning and Conservation Committee.
You can also download a copy here – Chichester City Council – Terms of Reference – Planning and Conservation Committee – March 2024 (PDF download)
1. The Planning and Conservation Committee is constituted as a Standing Committee of Chichester City Council.
2. The Committee composition shall be a minimum of three and no more than six Councillors as voting members with at least one third of the number of members and not less than three members of the group constituting a quorum.
3. The Chairman of the Council shall be an ex-officio member of the Planning and Conservation Committee.
4. Membership of the Committee shall be ratified at the Annual Council Meeting in May of each year.
5. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected annually by the Committee.
6. The Planning and Conservation Committee shall be administered and managed in accordance with these Terms of Reference.
7. The Planning and Conservation Committee shall meet monthly and the dates shall be included in the Schedule of Meetings
8. The Planning and Conservation Committee shall be delegated to make decisions on behalf of the Council in the following matters:
a. To comment on planning applications received from the Planning Authority
b. Street Naming
c. Licencing Matters
d. To comment on behalf of the Council on Local Plans, Structure Plans, Mineral Plans, Waste Plans, Regional Plans and any other Plans or Studies as considered appropriate.
e. Neighbourhood planning
f. Traffic and transport matters.
g. Nature and biodiversity net gain improvements and environmental monitoring.
h. Meeting net zero targets and mitigating climate change impacts.
9. The following matters are reserved to the Council for decision but the Committee may make recommendations:
a. Recommendation of the Committee’s budget to the Finance Committee each financial year.
10. The Planning Committee shall have an obligation to ensure that relevant parties are given an adequate hearing. Applicants, supporters, and objectors shall have the opportunity to speak at meetings in accordance with the City Council Standing Orders.
11. Any member of the Planning Committee can ask the Clerk to request an extension of time from Chichester District Council to adequately respond to an application.
12. Where a site visit is requested by an applicant or an objector the member of the Planning and Conservation Committee must ensure that they are accompanied by another member of the Committee. The Committee member shall then present findings to the Committee.
13. Where the Planning and Conservation Committee object to an application the Chair of the Committee is authorised to attend the relevant Chichester District Council Planning Committee and to speak on behalf of the City Council.
14. The recommendations and decisions made at the Planning and Conservation Committee shall give due and proactive regard to actions which:
a. Address or support Chichester City Council’s response to the climate emergency (declared in 2019)
b. Support, improve and nurture the inclusivity of Chichester for all residents and visitors, and address inequalities
c. Support the delivery of the vision and activities outlined in the Chichester City Council Business Plan
15. All correspondence shall be conducted through the Town Clerk wherever possible.
16. Minutes of all meetings shall be kept by the Town Clerk and forwarded to Members of the City Council.
Adopted: 28 February 2024
Minute ref.: 88 (Meeting of Council – 28 February 2024)