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Terms of Reference – Property Sub-Committee

The Terms of Reference (Property Sub-Committee) set out below was adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on 28 February 2024.

These Terms of Reference outline the structure, role, responsibilities and authorities delegated by Council; for the Property Sub-Committee.

You can also download a copy here – Chichester City Council – Terms of Reference – Property Sub-Committee – March 2024 (PDF download)

1. The Property Sub-Committee is constituted as a Sub-Committee of the Finance Committee of Chichester City Council.

2. The Sub-Committee composition shall be a minimum of three and no more than six Councillors as voting members with a third of members and not less than two members of the group constituting a quorum.

3. There are no ex-officio members of this Sub-Committee.

4. Membership of the Sub-Committee shall be ratified at the first meeting of the Finance Committee following the Annual Council Meeting in May of each year.

5. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected annually by the Sub-Committee

6. The Property Sub-Committee Committee shall be administered and managed in accordance with these Terms of Reference.

7. The Property Sub-Committee shall meet at least four times a year.

8. The Property Sub-Committee is responsible for the provision, oversight and maintenance of buildings, structures, land and property in the ownership or control of Chichester City Council.

9. The Property Sub-Committee shall be delegated to make decisions on behalf of the Finance Committee in the following matters:

a. All matters relating to the ongoing maintenance and care of buildings, structures and land in the ownership or control of the City Council.

b. Approval of expenditure items up to £25,000 within the existing budget for ongoing maintenance and care of buildings, structures and land in the ownership or control of the City Council.

c. To review annually all health and safety matters, risk assessments and inspections for buildings, structures and land in the ownership or control of the City Council.

d. To ensure the Council complies with all legislative requirements relating to public access to and use of buildings, structures and land in the ownership or control of the City Council.

e. Project monitoring of any works undertaken on the buildings, structures and land in the ownership or control of the City Council.

f. To appoint such Working Groups as may be necessary to undertake the background work to fulfil the above requirements.

10. The Town Clerk shall be authorised to take the necessary action to implement approved decisions of the Sub-Committee.

11. The Property Sub-Committee shall be delegated to make recommendations to the Finance Committee in the following matters:

a. Approval of expenditure items over £25,000 within the existing budget for ongoing maintenance and care of buildings, structures and land in the ownership or control of the City Council.

b. New projects and proposals to alter, improve or develop buildings, structures and land in the ownership of the City Council.

c. Annual review of hire charges for the Council House, agreement of Allotment rents, and recommendations on the Market House.

d. Matters relating to the other physical assets and property of the City Council. Final authority for the disposal or loan of such property to remain vested with full Council.

12. The recommendations and decisions made at the Property Sub Committee shall give due and proactive regard to actions which:

a. Address or support Chichester City Council’s response to the climate emergency (declared in 2019)

b. Support, improve and nurture the inclusivity of Chichester for all residents and visitors, and address inequalities

c. Support the delivery of the vision and activities outlined in the Chichester City Council Business Plan

13. All correspondence shall be conducted through the Town Clerk wherever possible.

14. Minutes of all meetings shall be kept by the Town Clerk and forwarded to Members of the City Council.

Adopted: 28 February 2024

Minute ref.: 88 (Meeting of Council – 28 February 2024)