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Message in a Bottle – Emergency Information Scheme

A bottle is supplied which contains a pre-printed form and two green cross stickers. The user fills in the form or if that is not possible a family member, friend or carer or member of a Health Team or Doctor could complete the form on behalf of the user.
The form contains information that clearly identifies them, this includes a photograph of the patient, basic medical details or information on where prescribed medicines are kept in the house, emergency contact numbers, any allergies etc. A section of
the form also contains useful information if the patient is diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s in case they may wander off, then there is some information that would be useful to the Emergency Services when trying to locate the patient.

The form is put back in the bottle and then stored in the fridge. One of then green cross stickers is put on the door of the fridge and the other is put on the inside of the front door. If two people live in the house, then they both fill out a form and both forms are stored in the same bottle.

In an emergency, the presence of the green cross stickers will alert the emergency services to the presence of the Message in a Bottle and they would search for it in the fridge. The Message will give the emergency services information on any
conditions or allergies that the patient suffers from. If a patient is taken to hospital then the form is taken with them and given to the hospital staff on arrival. The Message helps the hospital staff find the relevant records and arrange treatment
as quickly as possible.

The Lions Clubs promote this scheme because we believe that this gives older vulnerable people more confidence about their treatment in an emergency. It also gives peace of mind to relatives and friends that essential information will be available in an emergency situation.

The bottle, leaflets, forms, etc. are free and can be collected from The Council House, or supplied by the Lions Clubs either through the Lions Headquarters in Birmingham or through your local Lions Club.

If you require bottles or more information, please contact: or phone 0121 441 4544 and we will help you to make contact with your local Lions Club.

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