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Notice of District Council Public Planning Briefing Session

Outline planning application with all matters except Access reserved for the second phase of development of the West of Chichester Strategic Development Location (SDL) for 850 homes and employment land with vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Westgate and via phase 1, extensions to approved phase 1 community facility and primary school, informal and formal open space (including northern Country Park), playing pitches and associated landscaping, utilities and drainage infrastructure. Associated demolition of existing agricultural buildings on site. Closure of Clay Lane vehicular access.

Date – Monday 12th September 2022 at 09.30am

Venue – Committee Rooms, Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1TY

Notice is hereby given that a public briefing session for Members of Chichester District Council in respect of the above-mentioned planning application will be held on Monday 12th September 2022 at 09.30am.

The Briefing will be chaired by Council Officers. The applicants will be invited to present and explain their proposals and Council officers will report on the planning background. Members of the Council and the public, including community and interest groups, are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to ask relevant questions.

The planning application will not be determined at this meeting.

For further information please contact:

Democratic Services, Chichester District Council

01243 534609

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