Read Easy Chichester and Arun – helping adults learn to read
Read Easy Chichester & Arun (RECA) uses trained volunteers to deliver confidential, free, 1:1 coaching of adults who want to improve their reading.
Read Easy Chichester & Arun (RECA) uses trained volunteers to deliver confidential, free, 1:1 coaching of adults who want to improve their reading.
Chichester Rotary Clubs are looking to add to their popular array of pre owned, second hand and ‘pre loved’ toys.
Having come from happy homes, the toys will be passed to families through Rotary’s Chichester Christmas Market stall (open 4th to the 6th of December) to help with family Christmas expenses
For more information, contact: Doug Price on 07980 239 227 or email:
Have you been affected by the cost-of-living crisis?
Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice are looking at how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting the residents of Arun and Chichester.
Please take a few minutes to complete their anonymous survey and share the link with friends and family.
The Electoral Services Department of Chichester District Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been fulfilled and the City Council can fill the casual vacancy by co-option.
Outline planning application with all matters except Access reserved for the second phase of development of the West of Chichester Strategic Development Location (SDL) for 850 homes and employment land with vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Westgate and via phase 1, extensions to approved phase 1 community facility and primary school, informal and formal open space (including northern Country Park), playing pitches and associated landscaping, utilities and drainage infrastructure. Associated demolition of existing agricultural buildings on site. Closure of Clay Lane vehicular access.
Date – Thursday 22nd September 2022 at 09.30am
Venue – Committee Rooms, Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1TY
Notice is hereby given that a public briefing session for Members of Chichester District Council in respect of the above-mentioned planning application will be held on Thursday 22nd September 2022 at 09.30am.
The Briefing will be chaired by Council Officers. The applicants will be invited to present and explain their proposals and Council officers will report on the planning background. Members of the Council and the public, including community and interest groups, are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to ask relevant questions.
The planning application will not be determined at this meeting.
For further information please contact:
Democratic Services, Chichester District Council
01243 534609
A national one-minute silence is being held to reflect upon the life and legacy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which will be held on Sunday, 18th September at 8pm.
The State Funeral of her late Majesty will be held on Monday, 19th September, commencing 11am.
The Union flag at the Council House will remain at half-mast until the end of Monday 19 September and returned to full-mast on Tuesday morning, 20th September.
The Books of Condolence at the Council House will remain open on Tuesday morning, 20th September.
On Sunday 11th September, the Mayor of Chichester, Councillor Julian Joy, read the final local Proclamation outside the Council House in North Street with many, many locals residents in attendance.
Following the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, several Proclamation Days will take place throughout the United Kingdom.
The reading of the Proclamation does not appoint a new King, it is an announcement of the accession which took place immediately upon the death of the reigning monarch.
The first Proclamation will be read in London at 11:00am on Saturday, 10th September. At 2:30pm on Sunday, 11th September, the Mayor of Chichester, Councillor Julian Joy, will read the final local Proclamation outside the Council House in North Street and you are very welcome to come along to see this historic event take place.
During the Proclamation readings nationwide from Saturday morning, 10th September, the Union Flag is returned to the full mast. The Union flag at the Council House will be lowered to half-mast at the conclusion of the Mayor’s reading on Sunday and will remain half masted until the morning after the State Funeral.
On behalf of the citizens of Chichester, the Mayor and City Council express their deepest condolences to the members of the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The National Online Book of Condolence is available at
Flowers of remembrance can be left at the West Door of Chichester Cathedral.
DATED: 2nd September 2022
Clerk of the Parish Council
ADDRESS: The Council House, North Street, Chichester. PO19 1LQ