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Author: City Council Administration

RAVEN – Residents Against Vehicle Excessive Noise – campaign group launches

A new campaign is launching in Chichester District south of the Downs to tackle the troublesome issue of excessive noise from anti-social driving.

The issue of noisy vehicles often driven at speed or with the intention of making a lot of noise, has been raised by residents with the Police and Councillors for many years. With the onset of Covid lockdowns, noise issues got much worse and are still at a high level.

County, District, City and Parish Councillors have come together to set up a new group called RAVEN which stands for Residents Against Vehicle Excessive Noise.

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West Sussex post-16 transport consultation 2022

West Sussex County Council is currently undertaking its annual consultation about the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement. 

The consultation aims to make sure the information in the Policy Statement is up to date and complete.

The Policy Statement sets out the help that is available through the council, schools, colleges and transport operators for young people of sixth-form age and those who are 19+ with an Education Health and Care Plan to get to school or college.

A consultation is now open and available online here and runs until Sunday 10 April 2022.

All responses will be considered before the council’s Post-16 Transport Policy statement is published at the end of May.

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