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Chichester Community Development Trust – helping the community in Chichester

We are here for you: Our response to Covid-19

Our commitment. We are here to support you in any way that we can and although our office is currently closed we have a dedicated team that are working hard behind the scenes to provide support and information to our community around Covid-19. Take a look at our action plan.

Get help. We are coordinating a team of volunteers to carry out practical services, such as food and medication collection/drop off around Graylingwell  and Roussillon Park & Keepers Green and neighbouring areas.
Call: 01243 537526 or email our support team if you need practical help.

Give help. We are currently registering people interested in volunteering in response to Covid-19. Contact Angie to register to volunteer.

Stay well. Our community venues remain closed until further notice, instead we will be sharing information  ideas, activities and tips on how to stay well from the comfort of your own home.
Our 5 ways to wellbeing during Covid-19.

How we can help you at this time

We want to assure you that our team of staff and volunteers are still on hand through this challenging time. Our landline is diverted to a mobile phone from 9am-5pm every day. So, don’t feel alone. At CCDT our remit is to empower and support people and never has that been more important.

We have had to close all our community venues so we’re going online! We’re working to build an online platform so we can have free-to-access session for all the community like fish & chips quiz nights (bring your own fish & chips!); comedy nights; and maybe even an online choir!? We’re also working with our wonderful hirers, who still desperately need to generate an income, to provide some online courses. There will be a small fee to join some of these online events to ensure the self-employed can still sustain themselves. It will make for a great calendar of events for us all to join in and share. Please keep an eye on our social media & site for more information. We will get it live as soon as we possibly can.

Please keep an eye on all our social media (FacebookInstagram and twitter) and this website to see as content builds, ideas flow and interactive sessions are launched.

For those living in Graylingwell Park, Roussillon Park & Keepers Green and surrounding areas we have a Covid-19 support programme with a full team of volunteers ready to help those isolated with practical tasks including shopping, medication collection, dog walking and putting the bins out. To find out more please contact us at

We are also really happy to support groups beyond those limits with material and best practise to help get your volunteering underway. Just get in touch.

All our community venues are currently closed but we are carrying out exciting planning work on the development of the former marketing suite on Havenstoke Park so that we can provide a serene venue for much needed health and wellbeing once we are all able to move freely again.

If there are any ideas you have, services you would like or support we could provide please don’t hesitate for a moment to reach out via social media or email us on

We are proud to be part of such a wonderful community and know that the more connected we remain the easier it will be to get through this very strange and difficult time. We are here to support you in any way that we can.  Please stay safe and let us help if we possibly can.