Chichester Neighbourhood Plan Conclusion
In early 2024, Chichester City Council (CCC) commissioned an independent consultant to advise on if the stalled neighbourhood plan should be restarted to help guide the city’s future development. Previous attempts had faced considerable challenges and delays including major infrastructure and regeneration projects outside of the scope of a neighbourhood plan coming forward and ongoing uncertainty around the soundness and adoption of the Chichester Local Plan.
Following the conclusion of the report, CCC have decided to take no further action on neighbourhood plan development in the immediate future. The rapidly evolving nature of the planning system and increased housing targets combined with the government’s devolution and local government reorganisation agenda means that CCC feel it is prudent to wait for more clarity before proceeding with a plan.
Instead, CCC are working hard to strengthen our relationships with the higher tier authorities, collaborating with Chichester District Council to build on existing plans and policies such as the Chichester Vision, Chichester Local Plan and Chichester Regeneration Strategy to shape the City’s future and advocate for our residents. We will continue to consult widely with residents about their hopes, aspirations and concerns for the future and ensure that these are recognised and represented with the relevant authorities in plans and policies as they are developed.