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‘Let’s Talk: Play Areas’ survey – 3 March – 31 March 2025

Let's talk Play areas A cartoon drawing of a play park with children of the swings, roundabout and slide. The picture also includes parents in the background.

Chichester District Council is working on an exciting project to refurbish our Priory Park; Oaklands Park; Parklands; Amphitheatre; Whyke Oval; and Florence Park play areas in Chichester! Thanks to the support of Chichester City Council, their plans also include enhancing Oaklands Park so that it becomes a flagship ‘destination’ play area.

Last summer, Chichester District Council spoke to the children, parents, and carers who use the play areas to gather their feedback and ideas, and we have used this to help shape the designs for the proposed improvements. As part of that consultation, users of Florence Park told us that the play area and equipment was of a good condition and so it only needed a ‘light touch’ refurbishment. This work is currently underway and we anticipate that this park will be fully refurbished in early March. We hope to begin refurbishing the other play areas after the Easter break, staggering the work so that no more than two of the play areas are out of action at any one time.

Before we get started on this, you can let us know your thoughts on the final designs by completing this quick survey before 5pm on 31 March 2025!

Each page of this survey will cover a different play area, with its own video showing the proposed improvements. If you don’t wish to view or comment on the plans for a particular play area then you can skip to the next section.

You can save your responses at any point using the save icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen and return to complete your survey at a later time. For background information, including frequently asked questions, please visit our consultation web pages.

If you have any questions, or would like a paper copy of the survey, please email Thank you in advance for your feedback!

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