Easter drama workshop from Kitchen Sink Productions
Kitchen Sink Productions are hosting a 4 day intensive theatre workshop for students aged 12-17! Across 4 days, learn theatre making skills, performance and boost your confidence, as you work with a professional theatre company to make your own show!
Join us at the Council House, North Street from 9:30-4 on the 2-5th April with a performance on the final day to parents and friends!
All HAF students are provided with a healthy and tasty lunch from UK Harvest.
We are offering 10 places on a first-come basis to any students on free-school meals and who qualify for the HAF West Sussex scheme!
Book your place today at:
HAF students – https://haf.bookinglab.co.uk/westsussex/37147/login (please book your child in for each day of the workshop (4 days total) separately as the system doesn’t take a block booking)
Other students – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/easter-drama-workshop-w-kitchen-sink-productions-tickets-861396138037