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The Mayor

The Mayor of Chichester 2024/2025 – Councillor Sarah Quail

The Mayor’s role is to chair Council meetings and represent Chichester at civic events and functions each year, including award-giving receptions and events organised by local voluntary and community groups to name a few.

The Mayor of Chichester for 2024/2025 is 
Councillor Sarah Quail
The Mayor’s Consort is Mr Anthony Quail
The Deputy Mayor is Councillor Stuart Loxton
The Deputy Mayor’s Consort is Mrs Amy Loxton
The Bailiff to the City of Chichester is Councillor Joanne Kondabeka
The Mayor’s Chaplain is the Reverend John-Henry Bowden

The Mayor of Chichester is elected by Members of the City Council in May each year and receives an annual allowance of £4,000 (paid in two instalments).

The Mayor is happy to attend events in the City and, by special arrangement, attend functions outside the City boundary. Contact information below.

The Mayor would like to hear of any local resident who is about the reach their 100th birthday.  Please contact the Mayor’s Secretary (details below).

Photograph of the Mayor of Chichester 2024-2025, Councillor Sarah Quail, with her Mayor's Consort, Mr Anthony Quail, taken in the Council Chamber, The Council House, North Street, Chichester

The Mayor continues to support and assist with fundraising for their chosen charities.

This year’s Mayoral Charity is:

Chichester District Food Bank logo

Chichester District Foodbank

We have a comprehensive list of our Past Mayors available to view and/or download.

Mayoral Visits

Arrangements for Mayoral visits can be arranged through the Mayor’s Secretary by e-mailing, by telephoning 01243 788502 or in writing to:

The Mayor’s Secretary, Chichester City Council, The Council House, North Street, Chichester, PO19 1LQ.

The Mayor’s weekly engagements diary:

The Mayor in Office becomes a member of many local/national organisations.