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French speaking or bilingual student sought for placement in Chartres, France

Chichester has had a twinning link with Chartres, France, since 1959 and we recently received the following request.

Institut Notre Dame (IND) is a French school with an international outlook.

We are looking for a young English-speaking person for a volunteering mission within the French “civic service” system, for a period of eight months (from October 2022 to June 2023)

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Chichester’s Murray-Nelson sculpture wins an award from Sussex Heritage Trust

The Murray-Nelson sculpture, created by Vincent Gray, has been awarded a 2022 Public and Community Award by Sussex Heritage Trust.

The sculpture is currently installed outside the Council House in North Street and includes an interpretation board giving further details about its subject matter.

More information can be found on the Sussex Heritage Trust website here:

Murray-Nelson statue outside the Council House, North Street, Chichester

Statutory announcement – availability of unaudited accounts for Chichester City Council to year end 31 March 2022

Availability of unaudited accounts for Chichester City Council to year end 31 March 2022

Each year, Chichester City Council’s Annual Return needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by the Public Sector Audit Appointments.

The unaudited Annual Return has now been published with this notice and will be available for inspection from Friday 1 July to Thursday 11 August 2022.

As it has yet to be reviewed by the appointed auditor, it is subject to change as a result of the external review.

The full notice of publication can be seen here:

Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual return – for year ending 31 March 2022 (PDF download)

The unaudited annual return is here:

Chichester City Council – Annual Governance Statement – 2021-2022 – section 1 of the Annual Return (PDF download)

Chichester City Council – Accounting Statements – 2021-2022 – section 2 of the Annual Return (PDF download)

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