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Chichester Neighbourhood Plan – public event – 27 September 2021

The Chichester Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will be holding a roundtable discussion event on Monday 27th September in the Assembly Rooms, The Council House, North St, Chichester PO19 1LQ.

The event will run from 7pm until 9pm.

This will be an opportunity to review all the brilliantly detailed survey work undertaken by the PLACE assessors in recent weeks.

It will also be a chance hear from a range of voices about the changes that could be brought about by the neighbourhood plan, addressing the challenges as identified by the PLACE assessments.

More details about the event to follow shortly, but in the meantime, please put this date in your diaries.

In the meantime, you can read more about the Neighbourhood Plan and PLACE assessments here:

Councillor of the year nomination – Councillor Richard Plowman

Richard Plowman

Chichester City Council is very pleased to announce that Councillor Richard Plowman has been named as a finalist in the prestigious National Association of Local Councils’ (NALC) Star Council Awards, 2021.

Councillor Plowman has been selected as a finalist in the 2021 Councillor of the Year category.

NALC’s Star Council Awards are the only awards in England to recognise and celebrate the contribution local (parish and town) councils make to their communities.

The awards are a fantastic opportunity for local councils, councillors, clerks and county associations to showcase how they have made a real difference locally.

The theme of this year’s awards focused on projects that have positively impacted communities in the context of Covid-19.

The winners will be announced at an online ceremony in October.

On receiving the news, Councillor Plowman said:

“To be selected as one of only 5 Finalists from the 100,000 parish and town councillors represented by NALC is an honour and very humbling. It is the equivalent of getting a nomination for an Oscar or a medal in the Olympic games in the Local authority world! However, what is most important it nationally recognises Chichester City Council and the people of Chichester for how they stepped up during the Pandemic to meet the challenge.”

Cycling Without Age comes to Chichester

A great new service has launched in Chichester – Cycling Without Age.

The service aims to help “the elderly and isolated to get back outside and be part of the Chichester community” by providing piloted trishaw cycle rides and “helping passengers to feel the wind in their hair once again.”

With the purchase of the trishaw supported by a New Homes Bonus grant from Chichester City Council, the specially built bicycle allows two passengers to be piloted by a volunteer around their local community.

You can find more information by clicking this link:

Welcome to our new website

Chichester City Council is pleased to welcome you to our new website.

We have been busy for the past few months transferring the information over and designing a fresh new look that we hope you will like and will find useful and easy to use.

Thank you to our partners at VOXIT for their hard work and support during this process.

We will be making some tweaks over the next few weeks while the new site settles in.

If you have any comments or questions, please use the contact form or email:

Statutory announcement – availability of unaudited accounts for Chichester City Council to year end 31 March 2021

Each year, Chichester City Council’s Annual Return needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by the Public Sector Audit Appointments.

The unaudited Annual Return has now been published with this notice and will be available for inspection from Friday 25 June to Thursday 5 August 2021.

As it has yet to be reviewed by the appointed auditor, it is subject to change as a result of the external review.

The full notice of publication can be seen here:

Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual return – for year ending 31 March 2021

The unauditted annual return is here:

Chichester City Council – Annual Governance Statement – 2020-2021 – section 1

Chichester City Council – Accounting Statements – 2020-2021 – section 2

Discretionary Grants – second funding round announced

At a meeting of the Community Affairs Working Group on Monday 7 June 2021, it was decided to announce a second round of Discretionary Grant funding for 2021-2022.

Chichester City Council awards Discretionary Grants each year to local groups to support their work in the Chichester community.

If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes’, it may be time to contact Chichester City Council and find out if we can help.

Are you a Chichester based community group?
Is your fundraising a problem?
Would a small grant help?

Chichester City Council offers small grants to groups based in the city or whose work is mainly focused within the Parish of Chichester.

These grants are available for the purchase of equipment or other capital costs to help your organisation with a specific project.

Grants may, at the discretion of the Community Affairs Committee, be awarded for staff costs but ONLY where these costs are linked to a specific and finite project.

You will need to:

  • be a non-profit making organisation
  • be Chichester focused, either through geographic location or target group
  • provide a simple Business Plan outlining why a grant would help your organisation
  • provide a copy of your latest Audited Accounts or an Income & Expenditure Sheet for the last financial year

You can read more about it here and find all the paperwork you need to apply: Chichester City Council Discretionary Grants

Closing date for applications: Midday on Friday 24 September 2021

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