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Minutes – Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – 25 June 2021

The minutes of this meeting are presented below.

You can also download a PDF copy of the minutes here: Minutes – Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – 25 June 2021





Present: Robin Hamilton(Chairman), Cllr Richard Plowman. Cllr Clare Apel, Ash Pal, John Pegg

Advisors: Richard Eastham, Hericke Johannsen-Feria Urbanism

Observers: Bob Mousley,

Apologies: The Dean Stephen Waine. Prof. Hugo Frey, Peter Evans, Kate Cook, Cllr Julian Joy, Cllr Debbie Carter

1. Welcome and Introduction:

The Chairman said he had contacted members of the Steering Group to ask if they were able to come regularly to the Steering Committee meetings to ensure continuity. As a result

The Dean has appointed Andy Wright, Estates Manager for the Dean and Chapter athe Cathedral. Peter Evans and Edward Cooke had stood down due to other work pressures. Hugo Frey from the University had technical issues with Zoom meetings but was willing to stay on.

In the subsequent discussion, it was decided that we need a younger representative to the student and young people. RE reported this had been beneficial in other areas. RP said he was visiting the University and would report back.

A meeting would be arranged with the Chairman, RE, RP and the Clerk to discuss replacement members. Action RE

2. The Process

RE gave a brief reminder the new structures and processes. These have now been agreed A meeting was held on June 11th to explain the process to the Expert team and their role to find solutions to issues arising from the PLACE studies

3. PLACE Assessment  

RE gave an update on progress, areas already identified, and a review of results results Very good progress had been made with six out 11 notified completed PLACE assessments had been received and were displayed on the map and excluding White House Farm about 50% of the area had been covered. WHF should be distinguished as a different colour on the map as it was currently under development.

The following areas for action were discussed

  1. Parklands. Action RE to contact Paula Chatfield.
  2. West Broyle and White House Farm. Peter Evans had been unable to establish a group. John-Henry Bowden former City Councillor lives in the area and will be approached to form a PLACE team Action RP
  3. East of the City. The current Mayor, John Hughes had reported the SPRING RA was now back in action so he would be approached to form a PLACE group Action RP
  4. Hornet and St Pancras. Kate Cook had expressed interest in forming a PLACE group

Action RP

4. Technical & Policy Input – 

The presentation in item 6 was an example of how the technical expert  input would respond to suggestions arising from the PLACE inputs

5. Presentation of Concepts & Ideas – work on landscape and urban design for city centre (John Pegg)

Local landscape architect and urban designer, John Pegg, gave an excellent presentation  of deliverable projects hopefully that can be aligned with the findings from the PLACE studies. It was agreed a video should be made. Action JP.

The initial projects were:

  1. Northgate car park and theatre approach – link the theatre to the city centre by giving the theatre visitors a high-quality approach experience (noting that maximum parking must be retained as spaces are well used and are income generating).
  2. Wall walks – Bring forward a concept to enhance the walls as a heritage asset.
  3. Amphitheatre park – enhance the cultural and community benefits of the heritage asset.
  4. Lavant trail – integration of the river into the city as a pedestrian route and an ecological asset.

6. Publicity & Outreach 

RE suggested a meeting of bringing together those involved with PLACE studies. It was thought an excellent idea and would be arranged for the third week in July. Action RP

7. Next Steps – agree action points before next meeting;

7.1  SG membership to be reviewed and more people needed

7.2  More PLACE assessments needed

7.3  Outreach event, late July “PLACE Summit” to be arranged

7.4  John Pegg’s ideas to be integrated moving forwards.

The Chairman concluded that it had been an excellent meeting and good progress had been made on a number of fronts and a meeting would be arranged early the following week to discuss 7.1, 7.3 with the Chairman, RE, RP and Clerk ( post minute note: this meeting took place on Wednesday 30th June)

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 10:30am Friday 30th July, 2021 by Zoom unless advised.  

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