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Minutes – Planning and Conservation Committee – 5 February 2020

The minutes of this meeting are presented below.

You can also download a PDF copy of the minutes here: Minutes – Planning and Conservation Committee – 5 February 2020



  • Councillors Bell, Bowden, Gaskin


  • The Mayor (Councillor Plowman), The Deputy Mayor (Councillor J Hughes), Councillor Apel (Chairman of Community Affairs), Councillor Scicluna (Chairman of Finance)


  • Councillor Sharp


  • Councillor Joy


  • Planning Adviser, Mayoral/Administrative Assistant, Mr Roger Hobbs and Mr John Halliday, Summersdale Residents Association (for CC/19/30008/FUL, CC/19/03077/FUL and CC/19/03203/DOM), Mr Luke Mead, representing LMS Group (for CC19/02845/FUL), Mr Paul Butler, representing Core Results Ltd (for CC/19/02845/FUL), Mrs Kerry Simmons, Genesis Town Planning, (for CC/19/30008/FUL and CC/19/03077/FUL)


  • Councillor Norrell

In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, Councillor Bowden, took the Chair.


As recorded above.

Post Meeting Note: Retrospective apologies were received from Councillor Norrell on Friday 7 February 2020.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 2020 having been printed and circulated were signed by the Vice-Chairman as a correct record.


Any actions arising from the previous Minutes were included on the Agenda


The Mayor and Councillors Apel, Bell and Bowden, as members of Chichester District Council, declared a Personal Interest. The Mayor declared a Personal Interest as a member of the CCAAC and Councillor Scicluna declared a Personal Interest as a member of the CCAAC.


(i) CC/19/00112/CONBC

21, Lavant Road, Chichester W Sussex
Town and Country Planning Act 1980 (as amended)
Breach of Condition Notice

The Planning Adviser drew the attention of the Committee to a Breach of Condition Notice issued by Chichester District Council and gave a brief explanation of the background to this, namely: that brick wall rather than railings had been used. A compliance date of 15 April 2020 had been given.


(i) CC/15/01731/REM (Phase 1 – Plots 1-51) and CC/15/02344/FUL (Phase 2 – Plots 52-108)

Former St Bartholomews Site, Bognor Road, Chichester, PO19 7TT
(Bellway Homes)

To consider the proposed names: Portfield, Granary, Lakes, Sidings, Mill Lane

The Property Manager, with the aid of a visual presentation, explained the background to this proposal. He advised members of the historical background to the suggested names, namely that the site was a former Agricultural Grain Supplier. The Committee were not supportive of Lakes Lane, or Sidings Avenue; but were supportive of Bartholomews Terrace and Granary Grove.

RESOLVED that the Property Manager in liaison with the Mayor would consult with Bartholomews to obtain some suggested names of seeds that might be appropriate.

(ii) CC/18/00051/FUL

56, East Street, Chichester, PO19 1UR

To consider the proposed names:

  • Plot 1 – 1 Thomas Randall House, St John’s Street, Chichester PO19 tbc
  • Plot 2 – 2 Thomas Randall House, St John’s Street, Chichester PO19 tbc

Named after the gentleman who first bought the plot in 1811.

The Property Manager, with the aid of a visual presentation, explained the background to this proposal and the historical significance. After discussion, it was RESOLVED to support the names proposed as follows:

  • Plot 1 – 1 Thomas Randall House, St John’s Street, Chichester, PO19 tbc
  • Plot 2 – 2 Thomas Randall House, St John’s Street, Chichester, PO19 tbc


(i) CC/19/02795/FUL

Land at Royal Close
Amended Plans

RESOLVED: No objection subject to landscaping to include a 1m wall along York Road frontage with planting behind.

The Chairman explained to the Committee that due to the number of representatives of organisations and residents who wished to speak on several planning applications, that these applications would be taken first.

Week 2 – 8 January 2020

CC/19/03008/FUL – Case Officer: Daniel Power

77 Property Ltd
23 Lavant Road Chichester PO19 5RA
Erection of 5 no. flats and parking, landscaping and associated works.

Representatives of the Summersdale Residents Association were in attendance for this item and spoke against this application.

Mrs Kerry Simmons, Genesis Town Planning, spoke in support of the application.

RESOLVED to raise a Strong Objection. The proposal would represent overdevelopment of the plot. The form, mass and bulk of the building, the intensity of use of the plot and the associated level of parking, hardstanding and other residential paraphernalia (such as bin and cycle storage) would unacceptably harm the character of the area. This is especially the case when the cumulative impacts of such developments (including that next door) are taken into account. Sustainability measures such as electric car charging points and solar panels should be provided for all new housing developments.

CC/19/03077/FUL – Case Officer: Daniel Power

Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Cunningham
22A Lavant Road Chichester PO19 5RG

Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 2 no. 4 bedroom semi detached houses, 1 no. 4 bedroom detached chalet bungalow, access, landscaping and associated works.

Representatives of the Summersdale Residents Association were in attendance for this item and spoke against this application.

Mrs Kerry Simmons, Genesis Town Planning, spoke in support of the application.

RESOLVED to raise a Strong Objection. The proposal represents an unacceptable form of development, including subdivision into small plots, loss of trees and vegetation, extensive hardstanding, development in depth and vehicular access into the rear of the site, all of which would unacceptably harm the character of the area, as has been held by an inspector on a previous application at this site. Sustainability measures such as electric car charging points and solar panels should be provided for all new housing developments.

Councillors Apel and Scicluna left the meeting


Applicant: Mr Rogerson
30 Highland Road

Representatives of the Summersdale Residents Association were in attendance for this item and spoke against this application.

RESOLVED to raise an objection to the two-storey side extension. This element of the proposal would have a significant and detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the area. The property and its neighbour are attractive Edwardian dwellings, important in the street scene. The side extension would be a prominent and incongruous feature, particularly with its roofslope mismatched with the main roof of the building.

Week 5 – 29 January 2020

CC/19/03191/REM – Case Officer: Jeremy Bushell

Applicant: Redrow Homes Ltd
Phase 2 Of The Westhampnett/North East Chichester SDL Land North East Of Graylingwell Park Chichester West Sussex
Application for reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale ) for residential development comprising up to 200 no. dwellings, including an element of affordable housing, associated landscaping and open space, Lavant Valley Linear Greenspace, surface water attenuation and ancillary works and vehicular access from the area known as ‘Phase 4 of the Graylingwell Park development permission CC/16/03791/OUT.

RESOLVED to raise a Strong Objection. The surrounding area has a lack of parking which would be further exacerbated by the proposal’s shortfall of both allocated and visitor parking. Sufficient parking must be provided to at least minimum WSCC standards in this area. The pedestrian/cycle path should be provided along the linear greenspace following the course of the Lavant, and not through the streets within the site. Solar panels should be provided for appropriately oriented properties.

In order to promote walking and cycling, pavements should be provided on both sides of all rows of houses, and cycle lanes along the principle streets. If a shared surface is intended (eg along the Lavant) it should be connective, and of a different material, finish and appearance from the road, otherwise the appearance is of a series of drives with no pavement and no pedestrian/cycle connectivity.

A total of 113 garages are proposed providing a total of 12 parking spaces. This is a significant area of built form for little gain. If all the garages were replaced with a shed (and path) for cycle storage, and all properties with a drive were provided with an external socket for electric car charging, 30-50% of these garages could be provided as a parking space instead and the rest removed from the plan, this would be a significant improvement in terms of sustainability as well as parking standards. The development should be aiming to achieve carbon neutrality.

Week 3 – 15 January 2020

CC/19/02845/FUL – Case Officer: Maria Tomlinson

Applicant: Mr Ben Wallace
Scopwick Power Quarry Lane Chichester West Sussex
Construction and operation of an urban reserve 2.5MW micro power plant and associated equipment.

Mr Luke Mead, LMS Group, and Mr Paul Butler, Core Results – representing local businesses were in attendance for this item and gave their representations against the proposal.

Councillor Gaskin advised the Committee that she had attended a recent demonstration about this proposal and she would therefore take no part in the voting process.

RESOLVED to raise a Strong Objection. The proposal does not constitute sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined as that which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Fossil fuels are unsustainable both in terms of being finite in supply and in terms of the impacts upon climate change. No data has been submitted supporting the need for a fossil fuel powered local power plant, which would be contrary to national and local planning policy, particularly policy 40 of the Local Plan.

No details have been submitted relating to emissions from the site and impact upon air quality.

The site appears to be in employment use, with B8 storage in shipping containers on the site. The proposal would therefore be contrary to policy 26 of the Local Plan which aims to retain employment sites to safeguard their contribution to the local economy.

CC/19/02360/FUL – Case Officer: Daniel Power

Applicant: Mr M Rabbani
130 Oving Road Chichester West Sussex PO19 7EP
Demolition of 1 no. existing house and construction of 5 no. dwellings.

The Committee RESOLVED to note that this application had been withdrawn.

CC/19/02927/ADV – Case Officer: Calum Thomas

The Southern Co-operative Ltd
Co-Operative Funeral Directors Kingsham Avenue Chichester West Sussex
Replacement signage comprising an externally illuminated fascia sign and internally illuminated hanging sign

No objection subject to illumination during business opening hours only.

CC/19/02975/FUL – Case Officer: Daniel Power

Applicant: Mr Richard Brooks
The Mainline Rooms 35 Whyke Road Chichester PO19 7AW
Change of use from 19 no. Student Accommodation units set in 4 Units (Sui-Generis) to 4 No. Individual Flat Units A – D including provision for cycles and bin storage.

Objection as no outdoor amenity space and no parking is provided for the proposed flats. Sustainability measures such as electric car charging points and solar panels should be provided for all new housing developments.

CC/19/03021/FUL – Case Officer: Martin Mew

Applicant: St Cross Homes (Winchester) Ltd
5-6 Southgate Chichester PO19 8EH
Demolition of roof top plant and the construction of 5 no. penthouse apartments. Alterations to exterior elevations.

No objection subject to details of appropriate sustainability measures being submitted and approved.

CC/19/03119/PA3C – Case Officer: William Price

Applicant: Lordsdale Pension Scheme
7 South Street Chichester West Sussex PO19 1EH
Change of use from A1 to flexible A1/A3.

The 25% threshold within Policy 27 of Chichester Local Plan for non-A1 uses within the primary shopping frontage area has now been exceeded. Further unrestricted café use may impact the vitality and viability of the city centre. It is therefore requested that the LPA specify that Prior Approval is required for this speculative application on the following grounds:

  • whether it is undesirable for the building to change to a use falling within Class A3 (restaurants and cafes) of the Schedule because of the impact of the change of use (ii) where the building is located in a key shopping area, on the sustainability of that shopping area.

CC/19/03146/REM – Case Officer: Steve Harris

Applicant: Miller Homes Ltd
Land On The West Side Of Broyle Road Chichester West Sussex
All outstanding Reserved Matters for the erection of 154 residential dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, informal open space and associated works on Phase 3, Parcel E, pursuant to permission 14/04301/OUT.

Objection to the generic housing design, as local building design and appearance should be reflected in the development. Inadequate parking will be provided as a result of triple parking into garages on 22 plots. A separate cycleway should be provided.

CC/19/03182/FUL – Case Officer: Daniel Power

Applicant: Mr J Shervell
50 Bognor Road Chichester PO19 7TG
Change of use from 3 bedroom detached domestic dwelling to Health Clinic with single storey rear extension and additional parking to the rear

No objection

Week 4 – 22 January 2020

CC/19/02893/FUL – Case Officer: Jeremy Bushell

Applicant: Mr Charles White
University Of Chichester Bishop Otter Campus College Lane Chichester
Demolition of two storey student residential accommodation and single storey store. Construction of new four storey student residential accommodation building totalling 85 units (net gain of 63 units as 22 will be lost on redevelopment; an accommodation office and common room; a new single storey store and tank room.)

No objection but would request that consideration is given to “living walls” as part of the development.

CC/19/03139/FUL – Case Officer: Jane Thatcher

Applicant: Chichester District Council
22 Freeland Close Chichester West Sussex PO19 3SA
Demolition of existing single storey building housing 3 flats and construction of 17 new flats with associated external works.

The Mayor and Councillors Bell and Bowden, as members of Chichester District Council, had declared a Personal Interest in this application and therefore took no part in the voting thereof.

It was therefore RESOLVED to make no comment

Week 5 – 29 January 2020

CC/20/00036/FUL – Case Officer: Maria Tomlinson

Application: Mr Philip Finnamore
The Gables Lake Road Chichester PO19 7TD
Creation of 2 no. self-contained, separate dwellings from the 1 no. existing dwelling

No objection subject to appropriate sustainability measures such as solar panels.

CC/20/00093/FUL and CC/20/00094/LBC – Case Officer: William Price

6A Northgate Chichester PO19 1BA
Change of use of existing ground floor retail floorspace (Use Class A1) to allow for a flexible A1, A2 and B1 Use Class and independent dwelling (Use Class C3).

No objection


The Planning Adviser said that Steering Group had recently met and discussed the process of arranging Working Groups, details of which would be emailed to all Councillors shortly.

Councillor Bell requested that the Memorial Garden at Wests be included as a consideration in the Neighbourhood Plan.


Councillor Sharp advised the Committee that the date for the Tree Summit would be Thursday 2 April to Saturday 4 April 2020. The first day (2 April) would be a conference for landowners. The 3rd and 4th April would be public days. Councillor Sharp said that she was preparing a letter of invitation which would be sent out within the next 2 weeks.

The Committee RESOLVED to note the current situation.


  • Neighbourhood Plan – update


Wednesday 4 March 2020.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm

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