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Planning & Conservation


The Planning & Conservation Committee meets every month. On average the City Council’s Planning Adviser reviews over 500 planning applications each year on behalf of the Committee.

The Planning Adviser has delegated authority to review the applications and to respond on behalf of the City Council in matters considered relatively minor such as tree works and applications covered by permitted development rules.

Planning applications of significant interest are referred to the Committee for a decision with their recommendation being forwarded to Chichester District Council (the planning authority) within the 21-day deadline.

The Committee consider all other planning matters concerning the City, including liaison with potential developers or any agencies proposing change in the built environment; all matters concerning highways and other means of access in adjacent to the City, or likely to have any impact upon the City; Street naming and signing; all matters concerning the environment in the City and adjacent to it, or likely to have an impact upon the City; and operation of City Environmental matters within an agreed budget.

The Terms of Reference outline the structure, role, responsibilities and authorities delegated by Council; for the Planning and Conservation Committee and can be seen here: Terms of Reference – Planning and Conservation Committee (March 2024)

For 2024-2025, membership consists of 5 Councillors:

  • Cllr Ann Butler (LD)
  • Cllr Craig Gershater (LD)
  • Cllr Gareth Hitchman (Labour)
  • Cllr Sean McHale (LD)
  • Cllr James Vivian (LD)

In accordance with Standing Order 15 of the City Council’s Standing Orders (September 2020, amended March 2024), the only Ex-Officio voting member of the Standing Committees is the Chair of the Council.

  • The Mayor – (Councillor Sarah Quail)

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee will be elected at the first meeting of the Committee in the 2024-2025 Council year.

The meeting times will also be decided at the first meeting of the Committee in the 2024-2025 Council year.


  • Agendas are published and linked to separately for the current year only.
  • For meetings held from June 2023 onwards, links to the agendas will also be included on the appropriate minute pages.
  • Historical papers are in the process of being uploaded.
  • Minutes are available in online and PDF formats from 1 September 2018 to the present. For minutes older than that, only PDF download is available.

If you need any older minutes in an alternative format, please contact:

NOTE: Minutes are published as soon as possible after the meeting. These minutes are in DRAFT form until approved at the next meeting of the relevant body.

Agendas 2024/2025

Minutes 2024/2025

Minutes 2023/2024

Minutes 2022/2023

Minutes 2021/2022

Minutes 2020/2021

Minutes 2019/2020

Minutes 2018/2019

Minutes 2017/2018 – PDF download only

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